The asbestos testing and industrial hygiene experts
Asbestos Laboratory Services
TEM Environmental operates a full service asbestos testing laboratory at our Glendale Heights, Illinois location and has been providing asbestos analytical services since 1985. The heart of our laboratory is a JEOL 1200EX transmission electron microscope used to identify asbestos fibers in a variety of samples.
The lab is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
Program (NVLAP 101130-0) for the analysis of asbestos in bulk and air samples. The lab also participates
in a proficiency testing program for fiber counting by phase contrast microscopy operated by the
American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Clients can drop samples off any time of the day or night using a convenient mail slot in
our front door.
Polarized Light Microscopy
Polarized Light Microscopy is primarily used to identify asbestos fibers in bulk samples of building materials. It forms the basis for the identification and classification of asbestos in bulk samples such as thermal system insulation, spray applied plasters and coatings, floor tile, ceiling tile, construction adhesives and caulks, and many other materials.
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Transmission electron microscopy is used to identify asbestos fibers in air and bulk samples. The TEM is capable of analyzing samples at high magnification (20,000X and higher) and identifies asbestos fibers by morphology, crystalline structure and elemental analysis.
Phase Contrast Microscopy
Phase contrast microscopy was one of the first methods used in the analysis of fibers in air samples. While it does not identify fibers as asbestos, it is the industry standard for measuring the number of fibers that workers are exposed to in the air.